Welcome to MartyWalsh.com!
- Featuring my production facility "The Shed"
- My work with the legendary band Supertramp
- My career as an LA based studio musician
- My career as an assistant professor at the Berklee College of Music.
In writing this weeks blog I realized that I had left something cool out from previous installments. I have to back up and tell you about the band I started when arriving in Massachusetts, “Peanut Funker and Jam”. When we moved in 1996 I had to meet musicians so I…
Fast forward to 2002. Fall. As my out of town session world was winding down and while I had somewhat gotten integrated into the Boston music scene, I get a phone call from drummer Tom Major. Tom has a band called “Entrain”. They are musically very unique and quite popular…
We have now pretty much finished with the LA scene although there were scattered sessions here and there that I was hired to do arrangements for. I would work on arrangements at my home studio then fly to LA with lots of pre-production files on a hard drive and do…
Dear blog readers, a disclaimer right off the bat! I had planned on posting the final installment today. The “Epilogue”. As I was working on that, which will wrap up the blog, I thought I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the work I currently do at Berklee, and…
The Berklee experience is ongoing. I started my 14th year there this Fall ’17 semester. I never thought I would be doing what I am doing and am quite blessed to have this position as it’s a great gig. Growing up in LA and immersed in learning music I had…
Life and Times revisit Big Big Sun Today I am spending the day with my old buddy John Jolliffe who I was in band with years ago. Above is a pic of me and John when I picked him up last night in Boston. Since I don’t have time to…
“The Total Plan” Side A (kind of) 🙂 In 2014 I released my album “The Total Plan”. A real labor of love to be honest. It took 10 years to make. I thought the blog would not be complete without thanking all of the people that worked on this album.…
The Total Plan part 2 In the last episode we looked at the first three songs on my 2014 release. “The Total Plan”. Here are the stories of the next three tunes. If you are interested in the album it can be found here: http://store.cdbaby.com/cd/martywalsh Track # 4 is called…
The Total Plan part 3 In the last episode we looked at the three more songs on my 2014 release. “The Total Plan”. Here are the stories of the last four tunes. If you are interested in the album it can be found here: http://store.cdbaby.com/cd/martywalsh The album is rounded out…
Here is the final installment of my blog, The Life and Times of a Second Call Studio Musician. I posted my first installment on October 31st 2016. For years I have told stories about my career and the musicians that were a big part of it. So many people that…